Substack Repost — OpenLampTech issue #57

Josh Otwell
1 min readDec 17, 2022

Best MySQL blogs | WordPress backup file woes | Eloquent API calls | JSON-Based SQLi attacks. Welcome to OpenLampTech, your media source for PHP, MySQL, and the LAMP stack.

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In OpenLampTech issue #57, I am sharing curated and original content on:

  • A JSON-Based SQL Injection vulnerability
  • WordPress backup file best practices
  • Eloquent API calls
  • 20 popular MySQL blogs
  • And much much more

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I write about SQL, PHP, and CodeIgniter regularly on my technical blog, Digital Owl’s Prose. Follow me there for similar content and be sure to sign up for my free weekly newsletter (and eBook), OpenLampTech, the newsletter for PHP/MySQL Developers. Thank you!



Josh Otwell

SQL | PHP | Photography. Sign-up for my free developer newsletter, OpenLampTech, here: