So glad you wrote and shared this. I get torn on this very topic myself. I love to write and love to code both. Although I’m working in a steady job doing mostly coding, and have done some freelance writing on the side in the past, I’ve not really chose between the 2 of them for when I do make the leap and go full freelance on my own. I’ll admit it is a hard choice. I think that’s why I’ve been technical blogging (mostly SQL and some back-end Dev) for a few years now consistently and feel I could make a go at “Technical Blogging” as a freelancer. I know that requires more than just coding and writing about code (SEO, affiliate marketing, etc…) and takes a lot of time and commitment, but it seems like the perfect crossroads for a writer who likes to code/coder who likes to write kinda person (like me).
Again thanks for sharing such a fantastic article on something that interest me deeply!