How to edit an existing WordPress Reusable Block

Josh Otwell
3 min readNov 23, 2022

Now that you have created a Reusable Block for your WordPress site, how do you make changes to it? Learn how in this article.

Image by fsweb_de from Pixabay

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Maybe you inherited a site and aren’t sure how to even create a WordPress Reusable block. You’re in luck because I have written that article just for you.

Read: How to create a Reusable Block in WordPress

Shown below is the original My-Block WordPress Reusable Block I created in the 1st article (mentioned above):

Manage WordPress Reusable Blocks Menu

In order to edit a Reusable Block select the block, click the 3-dot menu item, and choose the Manage Reusable blocks choice from the drop-down/up:

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Manage All WordPress Reusable Blocks Page



Josh Otwell

SQL | PHP | Photography. Sign-up for my free developer newsletter, OpenLampTech, here: